Reading Trends

I think novels today—especially romance novels are dumbed down to some extent,  as another reader noted. Sometimes, I often feel as if the author doesn’t fully grasp his/her subject matter, character or setting very well. The rule of thumb is: If you don’t delve too much beneath the surface your fine.

Hello: There are too many romances out there like that!

Is there a demise in the publishing industry? Or just a perceived one? I read the complaints online but it doesn’t seem to translate outside the Internet community. Are publishers listening to the online community? You think so? Why? I don’t.

This is why: too many, really good authors–still– are not marketed well. Mid-list authors have to depend on word of mouth or they disappear. Originality is scarce because too many readers stay within their comfort zone. There’s no room for exploration, really. Author pushes the envelope just a tiny bit and readers go screaming “not romance!” You authors have a fine line to walk.

Hybrid genres work really well for me but I think the well written ones are few and far between. Negatives of the genre seem to cancel out with the Positives. I’m tired of seeing all the secret baby plots out there but other readers out there must love them.  Whatever you personally dislike—the next reader loves. I’m personally discouraged that my wallet isn’t doing enough to knock down Laurell K. Hamilton’s sales. The ardeur just keeps pulling them in—-but I digress.

Novel changes are occurring as we speak. We are starting to see: more sex, less story. Higher prices, larger books. Mediocre stories, higher priced trade paperbacks. Personally Hate those.

Really good stories = out of print and author MIA or without a contract.

Reader trends are fine if your swimming in the same direction but I’m fighting against the current here. I like angst, complexity, gripping plots. I could do without ten more added sex scenes for filler and one dimensional characters with predictable plots, dialogue. I’m down to two or three authors for my historical romance fix and that ain’t good.

Has the quality of writing gone down or is it that the author’s themselves are having to write according to trend that makes it more difficult?  As a reader you almost can’t distinguish one romance from another. I’m tired– which is why I’ve shifted to other genres like SF/F, mystery and historical fiction where the romance is a bonus. It’s been working for me for the past three or four years. What authors do you have left if so many of them are writing romantic suspense or chick lit?

Just my thoughts for the day. As I was walking the bookstore, I found that there really wasn’t much to buy from the romance section anymore. I did see Sweet Follyby Laura Kinsale on the shelf. I already own a copy but I felt that I needed to buy another copy to support her but suppressed that feeling quickly. I love Laura Kinsale’s books. I personally think that whatever message you think your sending is not making much of an impact. I’m a pessimist, what can I say.

Publishing is a business and boy, do I know it—-well.

About Keishon

Voracious reader of just about everything.
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